Elodie Bayet :: Fullstack Web Developer & UI/UX Designer

ProductionsPlateforme Alzheimer

Guidebook on Alzheimer’s disease

Help-oriented brochure ::  Plateforme Alzeihmer / Le Bien Vieillir



A collaboration extended over 3 districts

The Mission

The Province of Luxembourg in association with the Asbl Le Bien Vieillir de Namur contacted me to produce a brochure for the Alzheimer’s Platform. A guide that will bring various solutions to the relatives of people with Alzheimer's disease.

Design of an aesthetic and practical brochure

I wanted to get away from the clichés related to orientation for the front-cover The Alzheimer's Platform therefore suggested that I simply integrate a sketch by Jean-Claude Servais who represents a senior. This gives the brochure a light and user-friendly appearance.

l'Asbl Le Bien Vieillir has established 3 major categories in this brochure : the care, the services and the helping actors. So I associated a color code for each of them.

The reader thus evolves through the 28 pages of the brochure in a universe of soft and pleasant colors, with light touches of warmer colors.

Simple and airy layouts, but above all with comfortable to read typography. Some readers suffer from reading difficulties, so it was essential to make it accessible to all.

Front cover view of brochure about Alzheimer's disease
Front cover
Edito and Summary of brochure about Alzheimer's disease
Pages 2 and 3
Introduction page on available services
Pages 4 and 5
Page about medical and paramedical about Alzheimer's disease
Pages 6 and 7
Page about care centers about Alzheimer's disease
Pages 14 and 15
Page for presentation of Plateforme Alzheimer
Pages 22 and 23
Page for presentation of Cellule Appui
Pages 24 and 25
Page of actions of Plateforme Alzheimer
Pages 26 and 27
Rear cover view of brochure about Alzheimer's disease
Rear cover
Trade Concept : the identity
Election observation from the European Parliament

Construction time : 0.034775972366333 sec.