This page describes – in a large view – the conception of What technologies were used and what design principles ? How did the process development go and what was the steps ?
The website responds to the 2 same goals since its first deploiement in 2017 and at each rebuild.
The first goal is to serve as project for a fullstack development “from scratch”. No framework is used for the Front-End or the Back-End development. Each “stack” is entirely designed and built on my own. The advantages is to stay up to date on different technologies, and also deepen and stengthen their knowledge.
The second goal is to list each technologies I know ; present each project I built – archived or not – ; and detail my processional and educational background. It's an iteractive portfolio.
Building process
As the only developper on this project, the conception process required a simple waterfall organisation.
- Drafting specification – included the description of the project, the definition of the contents and their formats, and the definition of the structure.
- Conceptual analysis – included the establishment of the entity-association diagram and the functional description of the site.
- Modeling and conceptual review – included the establishment of the relational diagram and class diagrams, but also the revision of the specifications and the conceptual analysis.
- Database implementation and relational model review – included the creation of the database and the first correction of the relational diagram.
- Proto-Back-End and relationnal model review – included the proto-programming of the Back-End and an adaptation of the relational diagram.
- Back-End programming and conceptual diagrams review – included the actual development of the Back-End, and the fixes of the relational digram and class diagrams.
- Tests and corrections of Back-End – included the first tests, code optimization, and the revision of class diagrams.
- Front-End programming and Back-End adaptation – included the actual development of the Front-End and the adaptation of the loads that fall on the Back-End.
- Tests and corrections of Front-End – included the first tests and optimization of the code.
- Deploiement and immediate fixes – included accessibility testing and performance auditing.
- Maintenance and retrospection – in progress, including the improvement of business codes in Front-End and Back-End.
To sum up : there was 3 versions of the specifications ; 2 versions of entities-associations diagram ; 4 versions of the database and it relational diagram ; 2 versions of the classes diagram.
The 1rst part of Specifications holds 3 sections :
- Main description : describes goals to reach and the constrains to respect. Who is this website for and which innovations or ideas schould be used to develop.
- Structural description : establishes SEO architecture with depth levels, defining site structure and content.
- Applicative description : defines all functionalities and behavior of each page.

Back-End programming
Not written yet...
Front-End programming
Not written yet...
Construction time : 0.010272026062012 sec.