Elodie Bayet :: Fullstack Web Developer & UI/UX Designer


Showcase for Fydelity stereobags

Product-oriented corporate website ::  Atila Network



Fullscreen website : Flash imitation in HTML, CSS and JS

What I liked with Flash was the conceptions in Fullscreen, those where very trendy in 2010. But the problem – and the reason why Flash failed – is the search engine optimization : no content is really accessible neither by search engines nor by screen readers. The fullscreen concept is used for the Fydelity website with HTML, CSS and JavaScript ; thus with real and readable content.

In Back-End side it’s PHP again on a relational dadabase in MySQL that is a simple extraction from the base used by the company for logistic and business. All accesses is on read-only because the objective of this website is just to promote Fydelity brand and the main products. In that way, there’s no risk to disrupt integrity, stability or security on the original database.

Screenshot of root page from Fydelity Stereobags website
Root page
Screenshot of Concept page from Fydelity Stereobags website
Concept page
Screenshot of Products page from Fydelity Stereobags website
Products page
Screenshot of Distributors page from Fydelity website
Distributors page
Screenshot of Contact page from Fydelity Stereobags website
Contact page
Wood carving festival
Showcase for Stereolab Headphones

Construction time : 0.027430057525635 sec.