Elodie Bayet :: Fullstack Web Developer & UI/UX Designer


Digital rebuilt of iPhone 1

Digital Art



From a simple homework to a promotional project

It just began with a homework on Adobe Photoshop for the course Multimedia Communication at Saint-Laurent Institute, I oriented this projet as a real project Design for Roller banners or flags. I don’t digital paint very often – with Adobe Photoshop I meant, because I prefer Adobe Illustrator – but I very liked to work on this project. I woke up at 5:45 am to perfect it before the final deposit this day. The aim was to redrawn all the phone and its interface elements – such as battery, unlock slider, hour, etc.

Final view of the i-Phone drawed in Photoshop
Screenshot of Photoshop while drawing the i-Phone
View of Photoshop while digital painting of i-Phone
Showcase for Stereolab Headphones
Website for Le Petit Paris bar

Construction time : 0.036946058273315 sec.