Elodie Bayet :: Fullstack Web Developer & UI/UX Designer

ProductionsTrade Concept – Site web

Trade Concept : the website

Corporate Website ::  Trade Concept



Fullstack Web Development

The misson

For an industrial company located in Andrimont and whose business sector is the construction of site modules, the installation of bases, the sale and rental of energy devices, boats and civil engineering machines at Congo, Gabon and Tanzania.

Front-End and Back-End programming

The website is fully developed in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP, and replaces the old version which was very archaic and very limited in interactivity.

The Company's clients are mainly French-speakers and English-speakers. So the root page offers a quick access to each sector of activity directly in French or in English. The website has 4 sectors to which are assigned a color code and their own content dynamically loaded by PHP.

Many African countries are sometimes limited in operating system and connection, the entire website is compatible with Internet Explorer 7, accessible without JavaScript, and adapted to different desktop / laptop / mobile screen formats.

Interactive infographics

The biggest pages are Interactive Infographics and Comparison Charts related to containers. They consist of diagrams split into multiple images and coded in HTML / CSS in order to offer a better return for Search Engine Optimisation. It contains the color codes used in the brochure.

The pages devoted to services also offer interactive aspects via the comparative infographics of the ranges of modules. A JavaScript program allows you to select a range and display the technical data when fly over a pad. Each range reveals more and more pads and therefore more and more possibilities.

Screenshot of home page with panel for languages selection
Home page
Root page of latests news from company
News pages
Description range of containers with JavaScript infography
Range of containers
Description worksite containers with interactive schemas
Worksite containers
Page of living space containers with linked pictures
Products page
Details of available products living space containers
Living space products
JS Interactive infography on standard range containers
Standard range containers
JS interactive infography on worksite range containers
Services page with Worksite range
Infography with description of marine engines
Marine engine page
View of the contact forms with high security level
Contact page
La Dame Noire’s artistic universe
Trade Concept : the identity

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