Elodie Bayet :: Fullstack Web Developer & UI/UX Designer

ProductionsPlease! Oct. 2006

Please! night. 4th edition

Visual communication design for event ::  Le Petit Paris



A very complete visual campaign for the event

This mission required to create several format of communication : one leaflet, on flyer, entrance ticket, one A3 poster, one press advertising, one A2 poster in black and white and one A1 poster in limited edition – that was signed by Martin Solveig the night of the event. It was my 2nd mission for Le Petit Paris – the 1rst is not displyaed on this website – and one of my favorites.

Web decided to launch a bright version for this edition but with pink as main colour, wich is the official colour of the pub at the moment, and wich match with the promotional campaign of Martin Solgeig’s tour.

Poster for an event with Martin Solveig and Barbara Tucker
Poster for the Please! event
Front card for an event with Martin Solveig and Barbara Tuck
Front view of the leaflet for Please! event
Rear card for an event with Martin Solveig and Barbara Tucke
Rear view of the leaflet for Please! event
Front flyer for an event with Martin Solveig and Barbara Tuc
Front view of the flyer for Please! event
Rear flyer for an event with Martin Solveig and Barbara Tuck
Rear view of the flyer for Please! event
Advertising for an event with Martin Solveig and Barbara Tuc
Press advertising for the Please! event
Please! night. 5th edition
Student Arts Festival

Construction time : 0.03206992149353 sec.