Elodie Bayet :: Fullstack Web Developer & UI/UX Designer


Student Arts Festival

Visual communication design for event ::  Conseil Étudiant & UnÉCof



Logo, Flyer and poster

At the end of 2006, the UnÉCof organized a little Arts festival to promote the students in all High School of Arts from the Francophone Community. This festival brought together every artistic domains : Plastic Arts, Visual and space Arts, Arts of Speech, Arts of music, and Performing Arts.

As an effective member of the association, I worked on the visual communication design for this event. My objective was to allow a clear identification of each artistic domains on the main illustration.

Actually, this is not my 1rst graphic production for a real and public communication. But it’s the first integred into a professional context : I gratuated in Graphic Design at Saint-Luc Liège in June 2006.

Digital art with a violin, a guitar, and crayons for the fro
Front view of the flyer for Art-E-Fac Festival
Rear flyer of a Student Arts Festival with informations and
Rear view of the flyer for Art-E-Fac Festival
Red and black logo for the arts Festival by UnECof
Logo for the Art-E-Fac Festival
Please! night. 4th edition

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